It’s Fyter Fest and Shark Week is coming, so the July 20 Dynamite didn’t just give us a Barbed Wire Everywhere Deathmatch to blow off the feud between Chris Jericho & Eddie Kingston. It gave us a Barbed Wire Everywhere Deathmatch with the Jericho Appreciation Society suspended above the ring in a shark cage!
“Everywhere” included ring announcer Justin Roberts’ microphone, and that was the first weapon Kingston used on Jericho. The Painmaker make-up was quickly enhanced with a crimson mask.
GET THAT MAN, @MadKing1981! #AEWDynamite #FyterFest #AEWonTBS
Eddie stayed clean for the first third of the match, but after Jericho rocked him with a punch, he was sent flying butt first onto a barbed wire covered table by a hurricanrana.
After a huge spot on the floor...
Kingston and Jericho go flying into the barbed wired table! #AEWDynamite #FyterFest Night 3 is LIVE on @TBSNetwork!
... everything broke down. Tay Conti showed up to try and get control of the shark cage from Eddie’s friend Ruby Soho, which brought out Anna Jay. The Dark Order member sided with her old partner Conti, however, turning heel to lower the cage.
Anna Jay intervenes in the brawl between Ruby Soho and Tay Conti, but THAT was unexpected!! #AEWDynamite #FyterFest Night 3 is LIVE on @TBSNetwork!
JAS slipped free despite some confusion about the keys, and Kingston’s allies raced in to even the odds.
The reinforcements have arrived and absolute mayhem erupted! #AEWDynamite #FyterFest Night 3 is LIVE on @TBSNetwork!
Jericho had one last trick up his sleeve. When Eddie had him in a razor wire-assisted stretch plum, Sammy Guevara returned to save his mentor. That allowed for a barbed wire Judas Effect, and a win for the Painmaker.
Fresh. Pain. Awaits. @IAmJericho #AEWDynamite #FyterFest #AEWonTBS
Looking to give Kingston some shine coming out of the high profile loss, he recovered to (kind of) hit Sammy with a spinning backfist and throw Jericho into a nest of barbed wire on the floor.
.@MadKing1981 sends Jericho into all the barbed wire! #AEWDynamite #FyterFest
It didn’t make for a terribly satisfying conclusion to their program, however, so we’ll see if AEW opts to continue it.
Get complete results and coverage of everything from tonight’s Dynamite here.